I installed Ubuntu Linux 10.04 but I am unable to play Mp3 files in that Platform. From where can I download the Mp3 Codec ?
Why must MP3/DVD codecs be downloaded separately?
By default, ubuntu does not come with this enabled.The reason is,the name "software patent" is a bit misleading, as it does not cover programs, but technologies (programs are covered by copyright, which is a different thing).
To take the example of DVD, libdvdcss, while being Free Software, violates the software patents on the CSS algorithm. Basically, the DVD Copy Control Association (which holds the patents on the CSS algorithm) said: "whoever wants to use CSS must buy a license from us." Same goes for MP3: it is the format that is patented, not the codecs.
Steps To Install Mp3 Codec For Ubuntu Linux 10.04:
1. Open the Ubuntu Software Center, found in the Applications menu.

2. Type “restricted extras” into the search box at the top-right. Find the Ubuntu restricted extras package and click Install.

3. Enter your password when prompted.

Ubuntu Restricted Extras
It Contains: mp3,avi,mpeg,TrueType,Java,Flash,Codecs
Installing this Pacakage supports for Mp3 playback and decoding,support for various other audio formats (Gstreamer plugins),Microsfot fonts, Java runtime envitonment,Flash plugin,Lame (to create compressed audio files), and DVD playback.
4. Once the install is complete, close out of Ubuntu Software Center, and you’ll be able to play MP3 files !